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88% of consumers trust recommendations from “acquaintances” more than “advertisements”. Consumers’ purchasing decisions are based on trust. If given advice from someone they trust

Neilson research

building trust with consumers and engaging where sentiment is high

Brand advertisers have a lot to consider as they plan their strategies and navigate the increasing fragmentation of platforms and channels that consumers are engaging with. Yet while brands can use data to inform messaging, leverage modern martech to improve targeting and measure engagement to gauge performance, there is one facet of marketing that modern technology can’t help with: consumer trust.

Advertising is a vital aspect of the media industry, but marketers know that resonance and effectiveness don’t come easy. In addition to having to think about challenges like brand growth and ad avoidance, marketers need to increasingly focus on building trust with consumers. This is where brands, especially those in North America and Europe, have some work to do, according to Nielsen’s 2021 Trust in Advertising Study.

Globally, trust in advertising is lowest in North America and Europe—up to 20% lower than in Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. In Asia-Pacific, trust is lower than in the Middle East and LatAm, but higher than in North America. Importantly, a lack of trust means a lack of action when consumers encounter ads. And a lack of action can quickly turn into dislike if a brand repeatedly seeks to engage with distrusting consumers.

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